Sometimes we can get stuck in cyclical, negative dating patterns. We wonder why we attract the wrong people and why we continue to be heart broken, but never take a second to turn inward and really reflect on what needs to change with us.
The answers are always within.
Would you date yourself?
Self-evaluation can be enormously helpful to further growth and understanding of ourselves and our approach to relationships.
Asking if you would date yourself is one thing, but how about the following:
- Are you open to love even if it did not fit the exact picture you have in your head?
- Do you have a strict list of types and traits you would not consider? Is the list reasonable? It’s one thing to have standards but it’s another to not be realistic.
- Are you superficial and obsessed with looks first and foremost?
- What are you like at your worst?
- Are you able to compromise?
How do you think you’re perceived by your dates? If you are unsure, ask a candid friend. It is important to consider your own attitude towards your dates.
It’s easy to judge other’s when you are on the other side of the table, but what about you? How would you feel if the roles were reversed?
If the roles were reversed and you put yourself in your dates shoes, would you date yourself?
Asking yourself this very important question can assist you to dig deeper, perhaps re evaluate what is not working for you and foster a new and improved dating approach.