Being single and dating can feel very lonely at times, especially on special occasions and around holiday time.
Every time you start to feel lonely and sad for yourself about being single, I want you to remember that you’re not actually alone, you just feel lonely right now. This feeling WILL pass. In fact, you are so lucky that you’re not in a relationship where you feel lonely, now that would be sheer torture. People often settle out of fear of being alone or loneliness. That is the worst type of feeling alone.
Unsure what to do when you feel alone?
Instead of focusing on the fact that you’re single and alone right now, here are some ideas to combat that feeling of loneliness:
- Get out of the house!
- Enlist your friends for a night or day out
- Read fiction
- Go on a hike
- Take a bath
- Go for a run
- Join a gym
- Take up a hobby/learn a new skill
- Call a friend/family member
- Start a gratitude journal – write down the things you are grateful for
- Take a nap
- Get a pet
- Go to a coffee shop
- Meditate/try yoga
- Volunteer
- Watch a movie
- Go For a walk
- Ask to take on an a special work project
Be conscious of your mindset when you’re struggling with what to do when you feel alone. You have control over how you feel in this moment. Recognize and ask yourself why you feel alone right now. Allow yourself to feel and understand where those feelings are coming from. Are there certain days or times where you’re more inclined to feel alone?
Most of the time people start to feel lonely or alone when they’re bored. Get busy and get out of your house!
When you’re wondering what to do when you feel alone, use this limited time to really access and learn about your true authentic self. What a wonderful opportunity to do everything you want to do without having to worry about someone else. Soon you’ll be in a great relationship and you will be regretting not taking the time you had to just focus on you.
Again, remember you’re not alone, you just feel lonely right now.
AND always, always reach out to those friends and family during this time OR reach out to an objective party such as a heartbreak specialist or counsellor.
You’re never as alone as you feel. There is always someone there for you.