Toronto Valentine’s Fundraiser for Cardiac Kids

by | Feb 3, 2016 | Past Events

Toronto Valentine’s FUNdraiser for Cardiac Kids – #AllHeartsMatter


Toronto, ON – February 2, 2016 – With less than 2 weeks until Valentine’s Day, couples everywhere are lining the pockets of greeting card companies, confectioners, jewelers and florists. Every trinket, chocolate and flower arrangement will prominently feature a heart somewhere in the presentation, and this got Laura Bilotta of the popular GTA based Dating Service Single in the City thinking; ‘How about the real thing; the living, beating, life sustaining organ in us all?’

She decided that this year’s Single in The City Toronto Valentine’s Fundraiser “Open Hearts” was going to contribute something of significance to those who will benefit the most; Cardiac Kids. But she was equally determined to put the FUN back in Fundraiser.

This special event will feature a silent auction with all proceeds going to Cardiac Kids in support of Sick Kids.  So, not only are you helping the kids, you’re making a deposit in the karma bank as well! This is vitally important as congenital heart defects are the most common birth defect; 1 in 100 Canadian children are born with a congenital heart defect and more than half need surgery to survive, many of whom are under the age of one.
So whether you’re newly single, or have been out of the dating game for a while, it will do your heart good to get all dressed up,. At a mere $25 for the price of admission, it’s a steal – here’s what it includes:

1 free drink: ~ hors d’oeuvres ~ a special interactive twist to get the party started ~ DJ & Dancing  ~ great odds at meeting that special someone  ~ a visit from Miss Canada and a fun night out!

Don’t miss out on this amazing Toronto Valentine’s Fundraiser event, for more information and to book your tickets online visit Single in the City.ca

Don’t miss this amazing Toronto Valentine’s Fundraiser

Hope to see you on Saturday, February 13th 9pm @ Houston Avenue – 33 Yonge St. – Dress to Impress!





Laura Bilotta is a Date Coach and Matchmaker Extraordinaire at Single in the City.ca. She hosts a weekly talk show called “Single in the City” on Rogers Peel where she presents interesting facts, tips and personal stories about today’s dating world. Laura is also available for radio and television interviews.

Laura Bilotta

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