Tips for Being In a New Relationship During the Holidays

by | Dec 16, 2020 | Uncategorized

Dating someone new is always exciting, but being in a new relationship during the holidays can be a bit stressful! Of course, it’s always nice having someone special to share the holidays with but it definitely adds a little more pressure when you’re in the early stages of your relationship. Are you ready to introduce them to your family? What do you get them? How do you keep things from feeling too intense too soon?

If you’re feeling nervous about being in a new relationship during the holidays, don’t worry! You’ll get through it and I have some tips to help make this happy time one that’s stress-free for both of you!

How to navigate a new relationship during the holidays

  • Don’t get too caught up on gifts. Sure, you want to get them something but you don’t want to make them feel uncomfortable or like you’re pushing things along too fast. Stick to smaller gifts that aren’t too personal – you want them to know that you’re into them and you’re enjoying where things are going without scaring them off. I have some great gift ideas for someone you’ve just started dating to help you out!
  • Plan a casual at-home date. Keep things light and easy – plan a fun date you can enjoy at home with a festive theme. Pick your favourite Christmas movies, make some mulled wine and relax!
  • Meeting the family? Keep it casual with a fun Zoom call catchup. Get everyone on a call and play some fun games – this isn’t the time to make things too serious. Not ready to introduce them yet? That’s okay too, and even easier this year without all of the big gatherings. Let them know that you can talk about it later when you’re both ready to take that next step.
  • Give them space. The holidays are a busy time, even if they look a little different this year. Give them time to enjoy the holidays at their own pace with their friends and family and plan time to connect when they are able to.
  • Don’t worry if they’re a little distant. We all have lots of connecting to do with our loved ones on the holiday and it’s a little bit more complicated this year. If they’re busy right now or have a lot on their mind, don’t worry. Give them space to reconnect with everyone and sort through their feelings.

Follow these tips and you’ll definitely enjoy your new relationship during the holidays without the stress. Happy Holidays!

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