Category: Professional Singles

Dating Facts And Myths About Men

Dating Facts And Myths About Men

We know when we go to a bar or singles event that we’ll bear witness to several ‘dating rituals.’ They’re very familiar; we’ve been participants often enough to be able to script them quite accurately. But like any familiar scenario, we often fall prey to dating facts...

Toronto Speed Dating  (Ages 35-44 F /38-47 M)

Toronto Speed Dating (Ages 35-44 F /38-47 M)

Mingle with several, mesh with many! Single in the City speed dating events provide a platform for singles to explore new connections and new friendships with likeminded professionals.  https://migratesic.com/singles-events/ INCLUSIONS: * Up to 15 dates * Appetizers *...

Professional Singles Speed Dating (27-38)

Professional Singles Speed Dating (27-38)

Professional Singles Speed Dating (27-38) This niche speed dating event is for Professional Singles that want to meet other singles in a professional field. INCLUSIONS: * Up to 15 dates * Appetizers * A great evening out! DATE: 03/20/2019 LOCATION: Junction Local 3076...

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