Category: oakville speed dating

Oakville Speed Dating (Ages 45-55F/48-58M)

Oakville Speed Dating (Ages 45-55F/48-58M)

Experience the thrill of meeting new people and forging genuine connections at our Single in the City Oakville Speed Dating events! Bring a Friend, Save Together: Book with a friend and enjoy an exclusive 15% discount on your tickets, automatically applied at...

Oakville Speed Dating (Ages 30-42)

Mingle with several, mesh with many! Single in the City speed dating events provide a platform for singles to explore new connections and new friendships with like-minded professionals. INCLUSIONS: * Up to 15 dates * Appetizers * A great evening out! PRICE: $35...

Oakville Speed Dating (Ages 40-50)

Mingle with several, mesh with many! Single in the City speed dating events provide a platform for singles to explore new connections and new friendships with like-minded professionals. INCLUSIONS: * Up to 15 dates * Appetizers * A great evening out! PRICE: $35...

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