Are You Ready To Move On From Your Old Flame?

by | Mar 16, 2015 | Dating Advice, Featured

If you want to find someone new,  be sure that you’re not still hung up on your OLD FLAME. If you still have strong feelings for someone in your past, then you are not ready to date others.

These dating tips need to be considered even before you start dating, so that you spare yourself and your potential date, from the unfair perception that you’re sincerely looking for a new partner, when you may just be trying to forget someone from your past.

Sometimes we don’t even realize we’re no ready to date, until we’re newly back into the dating scene. Here are some signs that you’re NOT ready to date:

1. Do you make constant comparisons of others to your ex?

2. Do you fail to see the new person’s great qualities because they are different from your ex?

3. Are you still overly nostalgic about your old memories of your ex?

4. You still secretly hope you and your ex will get back together?

5. Are you keeping tabs on your old flame through social media sites?

If you’ve answered “Yes” to any of these items, then chances are, you are not ready to date someone new.

Also, just as you’re trying to leave an old flame in the past, allow your DATE to do the same. While on a date, don’t bring up stories about your ex, and don’t ask your date to discuss their ex.

Yes, it may be difficult to leave old memories, good or bad, alone. However, remember, you’re on a date to see if there is a potential to make NEW memories with a NEW person.


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