Mixer Events for GTA & Toronto Singles

by | May 11, 2014 | Dating Advice, Featured

Single in the City has earned its reputation hosting hundreds of speed dating events over the past thirteen years, however, we also throw some great mixer events for Toronto singles. We’ve hosted boat cruises, lock-and-key shindigs, barbecues and more. We plan to add new event themes in the coming future, including a dance party for rhythmically inclined singles who love to shake and move to a beat.

Here at Single in the City, we’re always exploring fun new ways to help Toronto singles connect with each other in an interactive setting. If you have any event ideas you’d enjoy attending, tell us about them. You can send me (Laura Bilotta) an email at info@migratesic.com. Title the email as “SITC Event Idea”. If your singles event idea is chosen you’ll earn free admission to the event.

Single in the City’s singles events range in variety. Some mixer events are as intimate as 50 people, others are as lively as 300 — it all depends on the venue and type of event. Smaller events allow you to enjoy friendly chats with honest intentioned singles from Toronto and surrounding areas. Large events are terrific for networking and mingling with many. Everyone has a blast. Everyone is there for the same reason — to meet and mingle with Toronto singles.

The typical crowd at a Single in the City mixer event is a blend of hard-working attractive people looking to network, socialize and flirt. Event-goers are down-to-earth and quick to shoot a smile or say hello. Everyone who attends our mixer events is there for a reason — to network and interact with single professionals like themselves. People like you.

Our mixer events for Toronto singles aren’t like your average party or night out at a club.

At Single in the City mixer events, all the guests are single. And we help break the ice and make introductions so you don’t need to rely solely on those great pick-up lines and that wonderful charm of yours to get the conversation started.

Single in the City’s unique events provide an opportunity to meet like-minded single professionals and chat face-to-face. Consider it a worthwhile option; one that will place you directly amongst like-minded singles from your neck of the woods.

At Single in the City’s mixer events, we give away prizes! The more people you chat with, the more prizes you can win, so if you’re a social butterfly you’ll meet people and potentially win stuff too! Call it a win-win situation.

You don’t need to be from Toronto to attend. We host mixers all over the GTA, including Oakville, Burlington, Mississauga, Barrie, Richmond Hill and more.

Attending a mixer event with Single in the City is a terrific alternative to speed dating, online dating and the same old bar crowd.

Change is exciting. If you’ve never been to a singles event before, I invite you to come out and see what we’re all about at Single in the City. I promise that you will enjoy yourself; it’ll be like attending a party with a guest list that features eligible Toronto singles.

If you have reservations about organized dating events or you think they are uncool, I’d like the chance to prove you wrong. The crowd is always full of nice people with careers and goals and positive attitudes. I’ve hosted mixers attended by doctors, lawyers, chartered accountants and professionals from other industries. The vibe is energetic, the people are friendly and the hosts make sure that everyone is involved in the fun; no one avoids having a great time.

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