So much to do, so little time – this seems to be the mantra for most singles these days. With work, family, friends, and extracurricular activities your day planner is full. So how do you squeeze “trying to find my soulmate” on your to-do list? It seems like an overwhelming and kind of depressing notion, having to schedule in time for dating. However, that is exactly what you must do if you truly want to meet someone – it’s time to make dating a priority.
How to make dating a priority
- Set your goals. You have to treat dating the same way you would treat any other goal like getting a job or getting into shape. It’s all in how you look at it. The dating process can be tiring and dating burnout is common. The strange reality about dating is that most dates are designed to fail – that’s the nature of dating! It’s all about finding the one diamond in the rough.
- Put the effort in. Many men and women believe in the old-fashioned meet-by-fate scenario. However, going by this logic you could be waiting a long time and still never meet anyone as everything requires some effort. When was the last time your dream job just fell into your lap? Only by putting forth the effort, time and energy will dating work; you have to make dating a priority if you really want to meet someone. Finding love requires both physical effort, clearing time in your schedule to pursue meeting new people and mental effort, changing your attitude so you can approach the process with excitement and dedication.
- Get outside help. Start by seeking out singles organizations, like Single in the City, that will increase your odds of meeting other singles and make an effort to approach and engage the opposite gender more often. Date coaching, matchmaking + singles events are all great ways to push yourself out of your comfort zone.
- Put the time in. Dedicate at least one evening a week to going on a date. Stay on track and it will only be a matter of time before you meet someone worth making time for.
- Get online. If you’re not ready to go out and meet people IRL right away, online dating apps a try – they’re a great way to connect with new people without the added stress of approaching them blindly.
You need to understand that you deserve to find love which means that spending your time on it is worthwhile. It won’t happen overnight and it might take a few dates to get there, but putting in the time and effort will eventually pay off. Go on, you deserve it!
Ready to make dating a priority but need a bit of a push to get there? Let our date coach help you along the way!