8 Things Different I Would Have Done Single

by | Apr 24, 2012 | Bad Dates

I’m not the kind-of girl that spends too much time thinking about the “could haves”, “would haves” and “should haves” of life.

I believe that life takes us on journeys based on our choices and our choices are based on who we are and what we know about life in that specific moment in time. Today for whatever reason, I can’t help but find myself contemplating about what it was like for me when I was single and if there was anything I wished I had done differently. Knowing now what I wish I knew then… there would seem to be quite a few things I wished I had done differently.

1. Mix business with pleasure! I wish I treated being single as any endeavour I took on… with a sense of adventure and an opportunity to learn. I wish I dated the guy I worked with and wondered less about what if it really did work out.

2. Can you say task oriented? I wish I had worked less and accepted more social engagements as an occasion to potentially meet someone but more importantly a perfect time to connect with friends and build lasting relationships.

3. Dating 101! I wish I had a basic knowledge of Marketing earlier in life as I would have applied a multitude of marketing concepts towards the business of dating.

4. To be or not to be! I wish I spent more time thinking about all the things I was really great at, perfecting the things that made me unique and worried less about the things others felt I was lacking.

5. The fine are of carefree conversation! I wish I had taken more risks and started up conversations for the simple pleasure of being curious and interested rather than making excuses and hiding behind my fears

6. All in! I wish I hadn’t dated exclusively during the initial 3 months. I know now there’s no way I could assess that a perfect stranger could be a perfect fit. When opportunity came and another someone came a knocking I wish I had open the door and gone on dates with him too. Really, how often does another date come a knocking? Dating more than one person in the early stages is healthy in so many ways.

7. Lady and the tramp! Well not quite but I do wish I played hard to get more ways than one and had held out just a little longer. Sometimes when things got physical I felt trapped to commit.

8. Girls just want to have fun! I can’t tell you how often this song pops into my head when I think back to my single days… I wish took more time having fun and embracing the joys of being single rather than worry about finding someone to make me happy!

So there you have it, 8 things I wish I had done differently when I was single. I still live with no regrets, as there is so much to life to enjoy! If the dating scene has got you mystified I can’t think of anything that may be stopping you from doing things differently! The most wonderful thing about being able to make choices is that, we can always make new choices at any time, especially if and when we want to change the direction of our life’s journey.

Question of the Day: What is something you wish you had done differently if you were single?

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