7 Signs He’s Not The One

by | Aug 12, 2015 | Dating Advice, Relationship Advice

Knowing if someone is right for you or not ultimately comes down to intuition. Always trust your intuition first and foremost. If something doesn’t feel right about someone you’re dating, trust it.

With that being said here are 7 signs he’s not the one:

  • He doesn’t make time for you. Making time for you involves making plans. Saying, “I’m not a plans type of guy,” just doesn’t cut it. A guy who is the right one for you will want to make plans with you. Getting called last minute, late at night, doesn’t count as making time for you.
  • The time he does make for you is only during the week or late at night on the weekends. A booty call does not count as him making time for you. If his weekends are still being reserved for his “boys,” then you’re not a priority and he’s not the one. A guy who understands that he can still have boy time and make you a priority, is the right one.
  • He doesn’t call you back. When he doesn’t call or message you back he’s showing no regard for your feelings. Now don’t panic if it’s early on in your dating relationship and you don’t hear from him for a day or two, sometimes life takes over. However, if he consistently does not call or message you back and you’re the one making all the effort, he’s not the one for you. Someone who is the one will want to call you or message you to catch up and make plans.
  • He disappears. All the “man cave” stuff aside, when a guy consistently disappears on you and doesn’t communicate with you about what is going on, he may not be the right one for you. Communicate with him and ask him what is going on in this type of situation. If there is no large life event going on that would cause out of character behaviour, he’s not the one for you.
  • He sucks at communicating. One of the biggest building blocks of a healthy relationship is communication. If this guy is not able or willing to communicate with you, it will be hard to build a solid foundation in order to sustain a long lasting relationship. Being able to talk things through and communicate how you’re feeling is important.
  • You don’t trust him. If you don’t have trust in a relationship, you have nothing. If you don’t trust him by now, he’s not the one. If you have to check his phone or cyber stalk his Facebook to make yourself feel better about him, this is a huge warning sign that you’re both not the right one for each other.
  • He’s unavailable.   If a relationship is what you’re striving for and this guy is telling you he’s newly out of a relationship and isn’t ready, trust him. If he’s telling you he’s not ready for a commitment right now and that’s something you want, he’s not the one for you. You want someone who wants what you want.

At the end of the day, always go with your gut when orienting your dating relationships. When in doubt, it’s usually not the right relationship for you.

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